Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dipped, Covered, and Coated

At the Wolfe house, Christmas goodies usually consist of dipping something in almond bark. This is mostly because things dipped, covered, and coated in almond bark are amazing...and also because it's super easy!

Here's something new my mom and I tried this year:

Chopped pecans
White almond bark

Mix half of the pecans and craisins in the melted almond bark and sprinkle the other half on top! Once you've done that, stick it outside to cool.

Then break it apart

and stick it in a fancy bowl!

It is pretty tasty...and it even looks Christmasy!

grace and peace,


  1. Anonymous12/22/2011

    It looks yummy! But sharp like a murder weapon! o_O
    - Krystal

  2. Oooooh! Looks like a great stocking stuffer idea! Thanks for sharing! ~ Mary

  3. Sharon Berg12/23/2011

    This looks so festive, Mairin! We have almond bark handy, and i think we'll try it, thanks!
